Image PMR123K-07 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR123K-07
 United Arab Emirates, Dubai: pool and beach of the "Atlantis on the Palm", hotel, shopping and entertainment sentre, resort. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, lawn sprinklers, air conditioning, Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, high rise buildings, desert city, skyscrapers
© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-17 22:40:15
Photo Size: 1.5mb 3507x2480 pixels
  comp 840x594


United Arab Emirates, Dubai: pool and beach of the "Atlantis

on the Palm", hotel, shopping and entertainment sentre, resort.
Keywords: modern architecture, lawn sprinklers, air conditioning, Arab state, Arab, Muslim, Islam, high rise buildings, desert city, skyscrapers