Image PMR647-05 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR647-05
 Libya, Fezzan, Garama: ruined site of the Garamantian capital city, founded in about the first century AD, with mud brick buildings. Partially excavated by the Italians in the 1930s. General view of the site, with some of the highest surviving walls of the Garamantian city. 
 Keywords: Maghreb, Garamantes, Sahara Desert, sand dunes, sand-dune landscape, barren
© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-10 14:25:44
Photo Size: 2.7mb 3543x3543 pixels
  comp 840x840


Libya, Fezzan, Garama: ruined site of the Garamantian capital city,

founded in about the first century AD, with mud brick buildings. Partially excavated by the Italians in the 1930s. General view of the site, with some of the highest surviving walls of the Garamantian city.
Keywords: Maghreb, Garamantes, Sahara Desert, sand dunes, sand-dune landscape, barren