Image PMR-D2445 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR-D2445
 Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Central panel of the Eastern Stairway of the Apadana (unfinished). It replaced the "King's Audience" relief (see PMR-D2437).. 
 Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology
© Peter Michael Rhodes
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Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2014-09-08 13:09:16
Photo Size: 3.6mb 5915x3875 pixels
  comp 840x550


Iran, Persepolis: Founded by Darius I in 520 BC, subsequent

Achaemenid rulers added many new buildings until it was burnt to the ground by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. It extended over 125 sq. km. at its peak.
Central panel of the Eastern Stairway of the Apadana (unfinished). It replaced the "King's Audience" relief (see PMR-D2437)..
Keywords: Persia, Islam, Shi-ite, Muslim, religion, architecture, bas-reliefs, historic, heritage, ruins, UNESCO, archeology