How to hide a web page

How to hide a web page

If you are going to be working on a web page but you want to keep it hidden from your visitors while you do so there are a few different options available:

  • Create a draft of your site - that way only you see changes until you publish the site. This is the best option for complete privacy of the page. (Using a draft of your website)
  • If it is just for some quick changes, you can uncheck the checkbox to remove the page from the navigation menu. This will prevent a new visitor from seeing the page, however, if the page is still live, just not accessible from the nav menu, so anyone with the page bookmarked will still have access and the page and the page can still be indexed by search engines and show up in search engine results. When you are ready to show the page again, just re-check the checkbox.
  • You could also hide the page from the navigation menu and hide it from the search engines. This option will prevent the search engines from indexing your changes, however, if the page was already indexed it will be some time for the page to update the index. When you are ready to show the page again, just re-check the checkboxes to allow the search engines into the page again.

Click to show Advanced at the top of the page for the options.